About Us
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities initiates and implements disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.
The office cultivates the educational development of students by promoting behavior that fosters a safe and civil environment through active community participation. Student Rights & Responsibilities aims to facilitate student learning and development regarding community standards by balancing individual and community rights. We also assist with coordinating the “Dean on Call” program in which a Dean of Student Affairs may be contacted 24/7 to assist students in need.
How can we help you?
In the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, our focus is the general welfare of all students. That means we will do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our students and help them succeed at this University. We pride ourselves on responding to each and every situation and offering assistance.
If you ever find yourself wondering what to do or where to turn for help, then you should contact our office. We will get you the information you need or guide you in the right direction. It's that simple.
Our office has an "open door" policy, so you don't have to schedule an appointment or wait forever to see a dean. You can walk in any time and meet with someone who can help you. Or, if it's after hours and you need assistance, there is a dean on call 24 hours a day every day of the year. A dean from the Student Life and Conduct, Greek Affairs, or a counselor from Counseling and Testing may be contacted 24 hours a day to assist students in emergency situations.
Parents and students are invited to call the UL Lafayette Police Department at any time at 482-6447 in order to request contact with a dean on call regarding any problem or concern. We mean it when we say we will help you any time. That's our business.
Our office works very closely with residence hall students and staff to make the campus living experience an enjoyable one. And we also handle campus discipline. Our goal is to educate students and meet their needs at all levels while enhancing the college experience.
Part of the duties of this office includes implementing disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct and making recommendations concerning the general welfare of all students.